My brother was finally home from hiking the Appalachian Trail, but he'll be off again in no time at all to finish up. We spent almost the entire week together traveling around and doing fun things so he could visit all the people that he's missed. The highlights include drinking wine, slicing tomatoes incredibly thin, lunch with a few hiker friends from the AT, and best of all was brunch. A beautiful Sunday brunch was held at my friend's house where we all sat around a long table and had wonderful freshly cooked food and champagne and it felt like the tea party from Alice in Wonderland.
Here is the table before everyone sat down...notice all the boys are sitting around while the girls were frantically trying to get everything ready in the kitchen.

Then we had left-over french toast triangles that were turned into a game of football, the one everyone played in study hall where you flick the paper over the "field goal posts" but instead this invovled really great food. My brother tried to catch it in his mouth...

I'll miss that guy for the next couple of months, but gosh it's fun when he comes back.
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