Saturday, June 20, 2009

Rain rain go away...

Stuck inside today...only left to get veggies and coffee at market. The coffee must have worked its magic though, I was hard at work all day.

New dress (I love this fabric)
New summer blouse...

Then I decided to make coasters out of old cd cases I found in my desk drawer...

But by opening them up, I decided to consider it artwork!

The images are from very old greeting cards that you can find at pretty much any flea market....this project was so simple, c'mon give it a try!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pretty Little French Girl

My dear friend Gabby is celebrating her birthday today! I made her a dress that is just perfect for her...she told me she'll be wearing it in France during her upcoming trip - SewNasty goes to France? Sounds good to me haha.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Workin' Girl

Got to work today and have done some of my best sewing. It's about time, since I just got my car inspected and it turns out my car that ran just fine in my opinion had almost $700 worth of work to be done. I decided that I wish it were like the dentist and if you didn't want a filling for your cavity (work done to your car) then you could say no thanks dentist (mr. inspector). It's just too bad it doesn't work that way...

So in that case - cool stuff going up in my shop to pay for my brake drums (did you know brakes had drums?)