Well since my last post, something big has happened. I guess it is a little sooner than I thought, but I'm going to be selling at the Lancaster Punk Rock Flea Market! I realized that if I wanted to do something so badly that I might as well go for it, so I signed up and I'm more motivated than ever. I will be selling everything handmade from clothing to pillows to hair accessories, and my roommate will be sharing the table with me and selling her own water-colored postcards and artwork. Let's just say we've got the "itch" and now crafting is more fun than anything else.
The craft fair we went to a couple weeks ago was fantastic and it was hard to not spend the entire contents of my wallet.
Here we were picking out hats that were lovely and only $3! I passed because my friend Candice just made me one, but I think my roommate bought two he liked them so much.

Here's a few of the friends that I went with hanging out on the bleachers....

And here's what I bought!
The fabric baggie has Alana's birthday present in it, so that is obviously a secret.
As for everything else:
2 blockheads (the funniest/cutest things made by a dad)
soy candles that don't even need to be burning to make a room smell SO GOOD
wooden postcard1
bloom card (it opens up like a flower)
and a refashioned dress that was made by an extremely talented young lady that I hope opens up an etsy shop soon.
This seller also had the best jewelery selection but since she has an etsy, I decided to make a purchase at a later date (or I really would have spent all my money).
Well I'm going to go try and get some work done.
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