I finally had a day off to catch up on Gossip Girl episodes and lay in bed reading blogs. Luckily, my friend Monica just created two of her own that are definitely worth
checking out. Later on today I will probably be going home to learn an old family cooking tradition. We'll be making capaletti's (which I have no idea how to spell or make) but maybe after tonight I'll know one of the two.
I should be finishing up two projects as well today, but like I said - I'm relaxing. I deserve it! I've been working like crazy at my "real" jobs and have had almost zero time to myself lately. But there is some good news in the mix of all this....I'm moving! Into a historically preserved farmhouse that is enormous and full of little alice in wonderland doorwarys and oh my gosh it's beautiful.
As for now...I'm going to look at carpets online.